Bloggers Celebrate WordPress 20th Anniversary
In May of 2003, a revolutionary blogging platform made its debut. Here's what to know about the WordPress 20th anniversary.
In May of 2003, a revolutionary blogging platform made its debut. Here's what to know about the WordPress 20th anniversary.
The common idioms native English speakers toss around don't usually confuse most people. But non-English speakers may be a different story.
A prominent YouTube blogger apologized for a long, unexpected disappearance. But should bloggers really owe the audience an apology?
As we approach Memorial Day, some families and some businesses may create a Missing Man Table. Here's what each part means.
I don't know about you, but I'm sick of the debt ceiling debate. Lawmakers wage war over it despite already knowing what the outcome must be.
When you're talking about the pesky little marsupial, should you call it an opossum or possum? Both are valid depending on the use.
When setting up or updating a blog site, which home page elements should you include and which should you be sure to ditch?
Slow service just doesn't do it for me anymore. At this point, it's time for businesses to figure it out or just shut down.
If you're like me, reality shows might be some of the last thing you'd ever want to watch. But we're about to get a big wave of them.
Ok, grammar enthusiasts: It's time to pay attention so you're sure to know whether you should use the word paid or payed.
After seeing a little demonstration of ChatGPT, I asked it to create an article for me on grammar. I can't say what it created was a success.
After Twitter scrapped the value of blue checkmarks on its platform, there's now a new place to watch for them: Your email!
You can blame the death of the TV western in the 1970s on several factors. But I recently heard one argument that surprised me.
We're seeing entirely too much of the term 'woke' these days. The Associated Press just addressed its use and controversy in its Stylebook.
A quick Google search will reveal plenty of lists of reasons to blog. Many have several reasons in common, but some would never apply to me.
The state of New York just became the first state to implement a ban on gas stoves in new buildings. No, no one is coming for your gas stove!
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
Patrick’s Place is a blog that focuses on multiple topics...from blogging to grammar to faith to life in general.
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