My 10 Favorite Words Added to the Dictionary in 2024
Every year, as our language evolves, new words and new definitions of old words are added to the dictionary. Here are my 2024 favorites.
Every year, as our language evolves, new words and new definitions of old words are added to the dictionary. Here are my 2024 favorites.
As we wrap up the year, it's time to go back and look at what I consider my best posts of 2024. You might find them worth a read.
Now that we're in the 21st century, buying movies now means buying digital versions. Here are my first Amazon Prime movie purchases.
A signature from President Joe Biden confirmed something about the bald eagle that most assumed had been confirmed more than 200 years ago.
The latest update of approved words by the National Spelling Bee raised eyebrows when it included the word 'womyn,' an alternate of 'women.'
The BBC is urging Apple to ditch its generative AI feature after it created a glaring inaccuracy that it implied the BBC actually reported.
Several states, including my home state, passed laws banning smartphones in schools. But a recent shooting is making some question that.
Is one of America's most beloved word games not really a word game at all? A new Scrabble champion's feat prompted an interesting question.
The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah falls generally between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But calendars disagree on how to spell it.
Every November, as if bloggers didn't face enough pressure in keeping up with their sites, some take on the challenge known as 'NaBloPoMo.'
The growing social media platform Bluesky is apparently considering a paid subscription model that it's calling Bluesky+. Would you pay?
CBS is banking on 'The Price is Right' to keep viewers entertained for a couple of months ahead of the start of a new soap opera.
Can you name a word that best describes the current state of affairs? Merriam-Webster thinks the word 'polarization' fits that bill nicely.
I still see discussions about whether blogging or microblogging is the better choice for bloggers. I see them as entirely different things!
After weeks of designers weighing in on their predictions of the big color design trend, we now know Pantone's 2025 color of the year.
The Oxford Dictionary made its selection for the 2024 Word of the Year. In case you hadn't guessed, it's 'brain rot.'
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
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