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8026 posts
Patrick is a Christian with more than 30 years experience in professional writing, producing and marketing. His professional background also includes social media, reporting for broadcast television and the web, directing, videography and photography. He enjoys getting to know people over coffee and spending time with his dog.

Military Service and the Presidency

When Bill Clinton ran for President, the Republicans made a big deal about his lack of military service. The Democrats said this was unfair and didn't mean that he would be an ineffective leader. Now, George W. Bush's military service...


Much Ado About a Movie

I was raised a Southern Baptist, and still consider myself one. I have no doubt that God is real and that he lives within me. I've watched with great interest and amusement the furor over Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion...


What a Tangled Web…

I love this story!! The Associated Press reports that several authors were caught redhanded over the weekend unfairly inflating the reviews of their own books and those of colleagues and friends. The glitch apparently happened on's Canadian website. Amazon's...

A graphic reading, 'Warning Spam' on a tablet
Tech & The Web

Spam: The Other Side?

In the Sunday paper, there's a story buried on the back page of the "Business" section. (How I ever found it, I'll never know.) Anyway, it talks about AOL's fervent battle against direct marketers who send out all that spam....


All the President’s Records

The President's military records are getting big news this week, because of what they contain and what some say they don't. Did George W. Bush serve all of the time he was supposed to, or did he get paid for...

TV & Showbiz

Another Wardrobe Malfunction?

Well, the infamous Super Bowl half-time show continues to get more press than the football game itself. Today, in Washington, a senator had something to say about it, but he wasn't addressing that "wardrobe malfunction" we're all sick of hearing...

TV & Showbiz

Censorship in Prime Time

A news story caught my eye yesterday. Producer Steven Bochco is against a proposal to cut a 15-second sex scene from an episode of NYPD Blue to create a "clean version" of the show to air in other time zones....


She Did What?

I was scanning through the paper, getting caught up on some articles I'd missed, when I stumbled upon Dear Abby's column. I read it from time to time, to remind myself that there are people out there far more screwed...


‘Breaking’ News

I subscribe to a couple of E-mail services from major news organizations that alert me to breaking news when there is any to report. On January 27th, I noticed something odd in my mailbox from my friends at MSNBC and...


About the Owner

So, who am I? As you might have guessed from the name of the journal, I'm Patrick. As you might have read in the "About Me" section, I'm 34 and I work in local television. This is, as that column...

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