When you publish a post, do you mean to change minds of the folks who read what you have to say? You may be in for a letdown.
When I write on this silly little blog, my primary goal is to write the best post I can. Sometimes, I write posts to inform. Sometimes, I write posts to entertain. Once in a while, I try to do both at the same time. But as a rule, I don’t set out to change minds.
I think the effort to change minds is largely a wasted effort…especially if you approach it with that intention at the forefront.
For the most part, if it’s a controversial topic, I figure you’ve already decided where you stand. If there’s one thing social media proves, people flock to echo chambers. Echo chambers are places where one’s own opinions and biases get echoed back at them. It’s the ultimate example of “preaching to the choir.”
If you’ve already made up your mind about something, you probably don’t want anyone to attempt to change it for you. In fact, you may read an opposing point of view for a very different reason: so you can act as a troll and look for a way to critique that stance.
I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of trolls online. I don’t allow trollish behavior here, but that doesn’t mean some don’t try to sneak it through.
You have the right to express your point of view
You may hesitate, though.
At this point, you may struggle to find a point of view someone else didn’t already express. Some might argue that if you can’t offer a fresh perspective, you shouldn’t offer any at all. I call that hogwash.
I think repetition is important. I find value in seeing how common a particular point of view happens to be. I think that can inform decisions as much, if not more so, than a fresh take on a situation.
Even if you don’t change minds, you may express an argument that solidifies someone’s point of view. Rather than making them see things your way, you may give them a strong reason to see things their own way.
If you set out to change minds, you may do just the opposite. Or, if you make a weak argument, you may actually convince people to believe the opposite of what you do.
That, I’m afraid, is the risk you take when you set out to blog.
I do my best to argue a point. I try to make sure it makes sense and, whenever possible, even takes into consideration some of the common opposing arguments.
But my opinions are mine. If they’re not enough to change your mind, so be it. Yours may not be enough to change mine.
That doesn’t mean I don’t have the right to make my case. You can make yours at your own blog.
If you change minds, great. If you don’t, your reader still gets to know one more piece of what makes you tick.
That’s still a good thing.