Last Updated on January 13, 2018
I suppose I should say something profound, since it’s time to celebrate the one year anniversary of my first official post here at “Patrick’s Place.” I actually had created this journal in November of 2003, then did nothing with it while I figured out what I wanted this journal to be about.
After a few test posts to see how things looked and some tinkering with the layouts, I posted the first essay on “Breaking News” on this date twelve months ago. From that first post, I was clearly writing to an audience, but I had no belief whatsoever that anyone would ever come along to read it. I was writing what I’d say if an audience ever did show up. If someone actually did, I thought, that would just be a bonus. It occurred to me later that I had jumped right in without even bothering to introduce myself, which I did with my second entry, “About the Owner.”
In twelve months, I’ve had quite a few posts of which I have been proud, and some that I was less than pleased with. I’m sure everyone else feels the same way about their own journals; it’s only natural.
“An Unforgotten Moment” talks about an incident in seventh grade that still is clear as though it were yesterday. I’m particularly proud of that piece.
“A Lesson from Man’s Best Friend” introduced a small but growing “Patrick’s Place” audience to Rusty, a dog that an animal shelter kept bringing to local pet stores but kept getting passed over because of a physical abnormality. What struck me about this sweet, gentle dog was that he didn’t seem to be bothered by the abnormality. He was alive. He had hope of being happy with people who loved him. It seemed to me that there was a lesson for the rest of us about adapting to adversity as I watched people interact with the dog.
“The Problem with Politics” which nicely sums up my frustration in the political world actually earned this journal its first recognition.
Since then, I was featured a couple of times, but never as a Top Five pick. I wonder whether I’ve said something here that the Editors feel is inappropriate. If I have, they’ve never said, although in at least one notable encounter, they didn’t bother with warnings.
Another honor came from Armand, and I was especially happy to display that one in my “About Me” window. And the AOL J-Land Awards made me a nominee for 2004 as well. I was flattered.
In April of 2004, I introduced a new feature, the “Saturday Six.” More than forty weeks later, it’s still picking up new players and I appreciate those who play each week. I hope that everyone has had the chance to find new journals to visit by way of the questions and answers each week.
I suppose the closest I can come to anything profound over the past year was my essay on the AOL Journals’ First Anniversary.
As for something profound now, I don’t really have anything to top that…the only thing that comes to mind after twelve months of this journal is that it’s been fun, and I appreciate those who have read what I have to say.
Thank you.