Almost exactly one year ago, I revealed the new logo for ‘Patrick’s Place.’ Since then, I’ve been working on a blog rebranding project.
It was Aug. 2 of last year when I officially announced this blog’s new logo. It wasn’t so much a new logo, though. It was a former “new” logo that I replaced — it seemed like a good idea at the time — then decided to switch back to. That decision, of course, led to the rebranding project.
I wasn’t the first to replace one logo with a more familiar earlier logo. I mentioned food giant Burger King returned to an slightly-modified version of the logo many of us grew up with. Pizza Hut also decided to bring back an old friend of a logo.
The biggest, most painful part of that was my graphics library. Yes, I add a little watermark to all of those photos that appear on my posts. When I switched to that different logo three years ago, I decided I couldn’t have a mix of logos. I needed to go back and replace every image — preferably with the same image — and change up the logo from the old one to the even older new one.
This time, I think I was fairly smart. The original images that I somehow managed not to save the first time I downloaded them when I licensed them are now saved without logos in a separate drive. If I ever have to do something different with an image, I have that option.
But after spending almost a full year updating literally thousands of images with the current logo, I don’t plan any logo change again.
I hope if you ever read a post in which I mention a possible new logo (and the rebranding project that would entail), I hope you find a way to reach through the screen and smack me!