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Next Bloggab (3/25): Building a Better About Page


Last Updated on February 18, 2022

Bloggab is a weekly Twitter chat about personal blogging. Once per month, we hold Critique Night, where bloggers volunteer to have their blog receive constructive feedback from the group. Join us each Tuesday night at 9pmET. You can always find transcripts of past editions here.

What’s so great about an About page, anyway?

If we, as bloggers, are churning out great content — posts that inform, enlighten, inspire, entertain, or combinations of those — why do we need to fool with posting a page to let people know who we are? Why would anyone even care who we are, as long as we’re providing them with content they like?

The fact is, they do care. More than most of us realize.

Check your stats and look for your pages. If you ignore posts and only focus on the pages of your blog, I bet you’ll find that your About page, assuming you have one, is your highest-ranked page.

In my case, my About page ranks in 40th place. There are a lot of individual posts, obviously, that have done better this month. But if I focus only on pages, that 40th place becomes 1st place.

Why is that? What’s so great about an About page? What is it our readers actually want us to say on our About page?

Think about it this way: when you visit a blog for the first time and you know absolutely nothing about the site or its writer(s), what questions do you have? What would would you like to know right off the bat?

If you can answer those questions, you are ready for this week’s #Bloggab. If you don’t have immediate answers, you still need to join us this week!

#Bloggab happens every Tuesday night at 9 p.m. and I hope you’ll be there this week.

Also, every third Tuesday of the month is our Critique Night, in which three bloggers offer up their blogs for group feedback. Our only request is that the feedback be constructive, and bloggers who’ve been part of Critique Night are unanimous that hearing a reader’s point of view helps!

If you’d like to sign up for Critique Night, our next one is on April 15, tax day! Let me know if you’d like to have your blog reviewed: you can either use the Contact link at the top of the page or just leave me a comment here!

the authorPatrick
Patrick is a Christian with more than 30 years experience in professional writing, producing and marketing. His professional background also includes social media, reporting for broadcast television and the web, directing, videography and photography. He enjoys getting to know people over coffee and spending time with his dog.