Why Do They Make Substack Subcriptions an Ordeal?
I recently saw an excerpt of a blog post I was interested in. To read more, I quickly found myself in the quagmire of Substack subscriptions!
I’m no more of an expert in blogging than anyone else, but I’ve been doing it a lot longer than many, so maybe that makes my take on things worth a read.
I recently saw an excerpt of a blog post I was interested in. To read more, I quickly found myself in the quagmire of Substack subscriptions!
I like to wrap up the first week of a new year by checking blogging stats against the previous year. It gives me an idea of how I'm doing.
It's time to take a look at the most-read posts of 2024. No matter what I consider my best posts this year, these received the most eyes.
As we wrap up the year, it's time to go back and look at what I consider my best posts of 2024. You might find them worth a read.
Every November, as if bloggers didn't face enough pressure in keeping up with their sites, some take on the challenge known as 'NaBloPoMo.'
I still see discussions about whether blogging or microblogging is the better choice for bloggers. I see them as entirely different things!
What's an easy way to set a line or paragraph apart from the rest? It's a simple option that you still won't find in the Gutenberg editor.
Fonts can be an important part of your site's look. So what can you do to select the right blog typeface for your site's look?
I'm happy to report that this site remains unaffected by a WordPress drama involving a third-party company. But many websites can't say that.
I added a comment captcha checkbox to this site last week after multiple weeks of high volumes of spam comments. Here's how it went.
If you're one of the few who attempt to leave a legitimate comment here, you're going to notice a comment form checkbox now.
Over the past 20 years of this site, there have been only a few times that I took the step of deleting old blog posts from this site.
As I write this, plenty of ‘in progress’ posts sit on my calendar. That’s because I learned when it’s best to press the draft button and wait.
Some food bloggers are warning people to avoid relying on AI-generated recipes because of the chance of some deadly concoctions!
As of a couple of weeks ago, I spotted something unusual: more comments. Unfortunately, it was the result of a comment spam surge.
Like some disgruntled folk in the workplace, I hear our society has evolved to create quiet quitting for bloggers. Is it worth looking into?
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
Patrick’s Place is a blog that focuses on multiple topics...from blogging to grammar to faith to life in general.
You'll find new content at least four days a week.
Read more about the blog here.
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