First Anniversary
I suppose I should say something profound, since it's time to celebrate the one year anniversary of my first official...
I’m no more of an expert in blogging than anyone else, but I’ve been doing it a lot longer than many, so maybe that makes my take on things worth a read.
I suppose I should say something profound, since it's time to celebrate the one year anniversary of my first official...
On my old AOL writing journal, I used to do a weekly feature that I had named "Weird Word Wednesday."...
It was a romance that began in AOL Journal-land. Many of us followed each new development with great eagerness as...
Those of you who visited this journal earlier today will realize that I have done something that I almost never...
"It makes you wonder, doesn't it? Just how normal are we? Just who are the people we nod our hellos...
Much has been made about the recent removal of content from a Dan Wheeler's journal, prompting him to leave the...
AOL Journal-land's resident cartoonist, Dan Wheeler, has left the building. Apparently someone found his comic strip, "Bobo Puppyhead," offensive enough...
This is a special entry which is part of AOL's Journal Community First Anniversary Celebration. When I was asked by...
Here is what I intend to be the final chapter in the drama which struck Journal-land, and in particular yours...
A funny thing happened to a comment I left at another journal this morning. The comment, along with my ability...
On Friday afternoon, as I was chatting with a friend of mine from California, I was suddenly bombarded by several IM's from people I'd never heard of.
I'm always grateful for awards and accolades. Said recognition is even more special when it comes from people I respect...
Others have wondered about comments people leave in journals...why some people do leave comments and why others never do. I...
OK, I admit it: I'm confused. You might be, too, when you get to the end of this essay! When...
What I've learned about life from AOL journals so far: 1. Spelling doesn't matter. 2. Grammar doesn't matter. (I suppose...
This is not something I do very often. But tonight, I feel the need to recommend someone else's journal. Completely...
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
Patrick’s Place is a blog that focuses on multiple topics...from blogging to grammar to faith to life in general.
You'll find new content at least four days a week.
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