Saturday Six – Episode 16
And we're back again with another edition of the Saturday Six...the 16th set of six. And what would be more...
And we're back again with another edition of the Saturday Six...the 16th set of six. And what would be more...
Time now for the weekly sensation: the Saturday Six! Playing is have two choices. You can either answer the...
The weeks just fly by any more. It seems like just yesterday I was putting together last week's edition, and...
The thirteenth edition of "The Saturday Six." 13 really unlucky? Seems like the perfect way to begin things, doesn't...
Wow! Is it Saturday already?? Here goes: Don't forget to leave a link to your journal in the comments. Either...
We're up and running again for another set of questions...and they're actually posted on time this week! Don't forget to...
Because of (and grammatically, it's not "due to") technical difficulties, the "Saturday Six" this week have been delayed. It's a...
Here are this week's questions. Next week, ALL of the questions will be from you. If you HAVEN'T submitted yours,...
It's easy to play: Either answer the questions here or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but be...
Don't forget to leave a link to your journal in the comments. You're welcome to answer the questions here in...
You're welcome to leave your answers in a comment here, or to play at your own journal. But if you...
You're welcome to leave your answers in a comment here, or to play at your own journal. But if you...
You're welcome to leave your answers in a comment here, or to play at your own journal. But if you...
1. Many people who criticize the media complain that there is too much "bad" news and not enough "good" news....
1. If you had to choose one, which natural disaster would you most want to experience in person and why?...
Here's how it all began, on April 17, 2004! My friends will tell you that I'm usually running about ten...
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
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