Do You Agree with Variety’s Greatest TV Shows of All Time?
Back in December, 'Variety' magazine posted its list of the 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time. How many of the 100 would you have ranked?
Back in December, 'Variety' magazine posted its list of the 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time. How many of the 100 would you have ranked?
Are the network affiliates those of a certain age grew up with on their way out? In a manner of speaking, perhaps. But it's complicated.
On the heels of announcing plans for a new soap, CBS confirmed 'The Talk' will wrap up its chat by year's end.
Just when you thought the genre was in the middle of a slow death, CBS announced plans to launch a brand new soap opera this year.
Many of us looked forward to a 'Peanuts' special every big holiday. But one in particular riled a lot of people over its handling of race.
One of the things I liked most about Amazon Prime was the lack of commercials. It's the latest streaming service to change all that.
CBS debuted its new late-night series 'After Midnight,' which wants to be comedy, talk and a game show all at once.
A pillow manufacturer well-known for spreading the 'stolen election' conspiracy theory launched a pillow fight against Fox News.
People are applauding a Canadian television traffic anchor who paused her broadcast long enough to address a body-shaming email.
Norman Lear, whose hard-hitting, socially-relevant programs took television by storm in the 1970s and the 1980s, has died at age 101.
A while back, I made a list of 10 favorite movies made before I was. Here are my top picks of films that came out since my date of birth.
Critics of the British dating show 'Naked Attraction' are calling on Max, its US streaming home, to ax the program. But I bet they'll watch.
Bob Barker, who hosted 'The Price is Right' for 35 years, unknowingly had a big part of influencing me in my television career.
For the first time, broadcast and cable viewing hours fell below 50% of all viewing in July while streaming TV set a new record high.
Since Pat Sajak announced his coming retirement from 'Wheel of Fortune,' we've learned about a Vanna White salary controversy.
Ryan Seacrest will take over hosting duties on 'Wheel of Fortune' for the show's 42nd season next year, the show has announced.
Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist.
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