I saw a social media post from a pastor who allegedly found a complaint about his church’s loud worship service. The response may not surprise you.
I’ve written posts that focus on the trend toward producing a loud worship service in modern churches. I’ve also expressed disdain about how some churches respond to valid concerns.
Recently, I even wrote about an audio equipment ad on Facebook claiming some new-fangled audio equipment was a “game-changer.”
I spotted a social media post recently that also raised the subject.
Full disclosure: I can’t share the post because I can no longer find it. I believe the person who posted it may well have decided to take it down. I hope that’s the case.
But I’m going to tell you what the post said how people reacted.
The post presented a photo of a note left for a pastor. I don’t know whether the pastor is a lead pastor or a worship pastor.
The note essentially complained about the volume of the music. As I recall, it said something to the effect, “Turn it down.”
The pastor seemed to find humor in this. The people who commented on the post seemed to find similar humor. Several of them came right out and said receiving such a note would only make them turn the sound up.
Let’s face it: No matter what profession you’re in, you’re going to make fun of the people you serve. Sooner or later, it just happens.
We’d like to think that people who work in ministry would not do so. But they’re no less human than the rest of us.
I suppose that what struck me first and foremost was the audacity on display. People who work in ministry — on some level or another — laughing off complaints about a church service and even bragging they’d retaliate.
I guess I’d like to think people who work in ministry would be above such things.
There are certain forms of pride that I really think aren’t sinful. This does not serve as an example of this.
When people complain that music is too loud, that’s something pastors should listen to, not discard. And certainly not ridicule.
Even worse, this pastor decided to post it on social media so he could encourage others to hop on the bandwagon.
That’s a sign of someone who thinks his way must be the only way. And that’s a toxic attitude in a church, especially when you’re not dealing with a Biblical issue but rather one of personal preference.
That’s the attitude that will drive people away. It will demonstrate the people in ministry aren’t interested in your needs or concerns.
Why would you stay at a church that tells you that?
If you’re so convinced that your presentation is so perfect that it shouldn’t be questioned from any angle, maybe it’s time you took a few steps back and looked around for your humility. Maybe, just maybe, you left it somewhere backstage.