A former presidential candidate asked about COVID-19 and the possibility that God planned the vaccine Himself. It’s a valid question.
If there’s one thing you can count on, it’s evangelicals speculating on what God planned for everyone.
When the AIDS crisis arose in the 1980s, some suggested God planned that. They saw it as a punishment for gay people. In doing so, they ignored the fact that AIDS affects everyone, gay or straight. If AIDS was part of God’s plan, he obviously forgot to protect heterosexuals from its effects.
When Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, some suggested God planned that disaster as well. They felt God might have targeted New Orleans. They ignored the fact that the hurricane missed New Orleans completely. If that was part of God’s plan, He clearly has poor aim.
Buttigieg asked a valid question
Transportation Secretary and former presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg appeared on CNN’s State of the Union last month. He offered a message to evangelicals who might hesitate about getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
The topic of vaccine hesitancy among believers came up. About 40% of white evangelical Protestants said they likely would not get vaccinated.
Buttigieg, who is an Episcopalian, said he heard people saying if they’re faithful, God will “take care” of them.
That reminds me of the people who say they feel no concern about COVID-19 because they’re “covered in Christ’s blood.” Another ridiculous point of view.
He then said this:
“And I guess what I would hope that they might consider is that maybe a vaccine is part of God’s plan for how you’re going to take care of yourself.”
I believe God gives us wisdom.
I believe God provides physicians and scientists with the ability to diagnose and treat the sick. That doesn’t mean people won’t become ill. It also doesn’t mean people won’t die.
But I think we all know that much.
Why is it the same people who think they can speak for God when it comes to someone else won’t even consider such a possibility when it goes against what they want?
I think it’s amusing how it always seems to work that way.
And let’s face it: how do we know for sure that God couldn’t use a vaccine to protect us from a disease like COVID-19?
I think you’ll find that if you review church directories, you’ll indeed find that plenty of Christians lost their lives to the disease.
Like AIDS and hurricanes, COVID-19 doesn’t care who the victims are. It doesn’t seek out sinners over believers, you know.