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Fun & Laughs

25 Things…

Last Updated on January 2, 2011

This entry was inspired by John M. Scalzi‘s “By The Way” site. Here goes:

1. Yes, I really do work in TV.
2. I am not height/weight proportionate.
3. I am making progress (32 pounds so far) to change that.
4. My favorite TV show is “The Price is Right.”
5. Yes, I’ve seen the show in person, but I wasn’t eligible to play because I know the people backstage.
6. I’ve only been out of the USA once, and that was a visit to Canada.
7. I hate to fly.
8. My favorite season is autumn.
9. My favorite color is royal blue.
10. If I could visit any foreign country, I’d pick England.
11. My favorite author is Dean Koontz.
12. I can’t decide on a favorite movie…there are too many in the list to narrow it down to one.
13. I have been stupid with credit cards.
14. Donations are cheerfully accepted!
15. I’m working on a novel.
16. I don’t like to party and I don’t like bars. Call me Mr. Popularity!
17. I’m originally from South Carolina.
18. I don’t think the Confederate Flag belongs at the State House. (Yes, they’re STILL arguing about that!)
19. I like sweetened tea: people who prefer unsweetened tea might as well drink water!
20. I’ve never seen an episode of “Seinfeld.”
21. I decided to do this list so that I’d have an excuse to promote my “Saturday Six!” (Sorry, John!)
22. I think there is too much politics in most churches.
23. The first thing I notice about a person is whether they’re male or female.
24. I wish I had blue eyes.
25. I often feel like I’m in over my head.

the authorPatrick
Patrick is a Christian with more than 30 years experience in professional writing, producing and marketing. His professional background also includes social media, reporting for broadcast television and the web, directing, videography and photography. He enjoys getting to know people over coffee and spending time with his dog.