Last Updated on February 6, 2022
This week’s edition of the Saturday 6 focuses on some quirky “holidays” in November that you might enjoy participating in.
Earlier this week, on Wednesday, to be exact, we experienced “National Use Your Common Sense Day,” set on the birthday of humorist Will Rogers. I hope you celebrate that day every day; if you do, you’re definitely in the minority.
In any case, here is a list of six other days worth looking into this month:
1. Nov. 12: Pizza with the Works Except the Anchovies Day
Who doesn’t love pizza? Some people love it, I’ve learned, with some bizarre concoctions for toppings, but I’m a traditionalist: I prefer tomato sauce, cheese, sausage, bell pepper and pepperoni. The pineapple and chicken combination or barbecue sauce and other “unusual” selections? Sure, go for it! But just keep that stuff on your half of the pie, not mine! How do you prefer your pizza?
2. Nov. 13. World Kindness Day
You have almost a full week to come up with something you can do for someone else. I’m sure you can think of something, some little gesture, that will make someone else’s day a bit brighter. That’s what this day is all about.
3. Nov. 15: Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
This one may seem random until you consider that it gives you a head start for Thanksgiving Day, when a whole new set of leftovers appear out of nowhere and, in some cases, might remain for quite a while. So go ahead and rid your fridge of those scientific experiments sitting untouched at the very back of the lower shelves. If they’re sealed, I wouldn’t recommend you open them: just toss them, container and all: some of that stuff might actually give you nightmares. Instead, you’ll be able to focus on dreams of turkey, dressing and cranberry sauce!
4. Nov. 17: Unfriend Day
I know, it sounds so unkind, especially when you consider how nice you were to everyone on World Kindness Day. But look at it like this: sometimes, for reasons you can’t even recall, people end up in your friend list on social media and you have no idea who they are or how they got there. (Maybe you should avoid Facebook when you’ve had one too many.) People who you never hear from, who act like they don’t want to hear from you, and those with whom you might not want to have a glimpse into your life are all worthy candidates to “unfriend.” (Remember when friend was a noun, not a verb?)
5. Nov. 27: Buy Nothing Day
Here’s a day virtually no one will pay any attention to, much less follow as it was intended. Buy Nothing Day is obviously a strike against consumerism that some feel are taking the spirit away from Christmas. But Buy Nothing Day happens to fall — intentionally — on Black Friday, the official kickoff of the Christmas shopping season. So good luck to its organizers getting many people to embrace the agenda of the day, even if they might agree, to some extent, with the point of it all.
6. Nov. 30: Stay Home Because You’re Well Day
This day is meant to celebrate a day of good health by having you take a sick day — or at least a day off — to do something other than ingesting spoonful after spoonful of cough syrup. I am taking November 30 off, but not because of this day. You have to burn up that vacation some time, you know!