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Saturday 6

Saturday Six – Episode 2

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Last Updated on December 9, 2012

1. If you had to choose one, which natural disaster would you most want to experience in person and why?
A) Hurricane
B) Tornado
C) Wildfire
D) Earthquake
E) Flood

2. If you only had 30 characters (including spaces) to work with, what would you want to have on your tombstone?

3. Name any celebrities you have met in person.

4. If your best friend went through your music collection, which artist would he or she give you the most grief over finding?

5. Take the Pantone Color Test. You must first click on the month of your birthday, then click the link that takes you to individual dates. I won’t ask your birthday, but list the three keywords that appear below the block of color and tell me how accurate you think they are.

6. I won’t ask you to divulge who you’re voting for, but at this point, how sure are you that you know who you actually will vote for:
A) No doubt about it.
B) Pretty sure.
C) Pretty unsure.
D) Completely undecided.

My answers:
1. D) Earthquake. I’ve actually been through two minor quakes, and they are over with the fastest.
2. “He took care of his friends.” I know, it’s sappy.
3. From “The Price is Right:” Bob Barker, Janice Pennington, Rod Roddy, Kathleen Bradley, Chantel Dubay; From “The Young and the Restless:” Peter Bergman, Shemar Moore, Tricia Cast, Scott Reeves; From “Star Trek:” William Shatner, James Doohan, George Takei, Majel Barrett-Roddenberry; from CBS News: Harry Smith
4. Hanson
5. Spiritual, Appealing, Wise. I am spiritual. I like to think I’m wise. But the appealing part…nah. 🙂
6. C) There are things I like about both candidates, things I don’t like about both, and things I really dislike about both sides of the political circus.

the authorPatrick
Patrick is a Christian with more than 30 years experience in professional writing, producing and marketing. His professional background also includes social media, reporting for broadcast television and the web, directing, videography and photography. He enjoys getting to know people over coffee and spending time with his dog.
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1. If you had to choose one, which natural disaster would you most want to experience in person and why? A) Hurricane B) Tornado C) Wildfire D) Earthquake E) Flood F) A Barry Manilow concert. 2. If you only had 30 characters (including spaces) to work with, what would you want to have on your tombstone? He faked his death. 3. Name any celebrities you have met in person. I don’t think I have ever met one, but I attended one of Jerry Seinfeld’s gigs. It was awesome. 4. If your best friend went through your music collection, which artist… Read more »