Last Updated on February 1, 2022
I was browsing a list of unofficial April holidays and commemorations and I thought I’d share a few that might be worth your time this year.
Every time we turn around, it seems, someone has come up with some new reason to celebrate something. Some of the ideas are a bit out of left field, while others actually might be worth a bit of recognition.
Here’s a list of 10 unofficial April holidays that I might just decide to make note of this year.
1. Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
April 2 is Peanut Butter and Jelly Day, a day that honors one of America’s favorite comfort foods. For me, a PB&J is best served on white bread with creamy peanut butter — I’m not a fan of the crunchy variety — and a generous helping of grape jelly — no other flavor will do.
2. Vitamin C Day
This unofficial holiday is celebrated on April 4 this year. It’s a great day to have a nice orange or apple, or any of the other great foods packed with Vitamin C. (Although considering the peak of flu season was a few weeks back, we probably should have been celebrating this day religiously every day since about December.)
3. No Housework Day
I celebrate this day nearly every day, but you can bet when there’s a day with that name — as April 7 is this year— I’ll do my part by not doing my part around the house. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that there are no avalanches at home.
4. Pet Day
April 11 is a day for pet owners to show their four-legged friends how much we love them. For me, that’s pretty much every day and I have a spectacularly-spoiled dog to prove it.
5. Dolphin Day
One of the things on my bucket list is to take a swim with a dolphin. Or at least pet a dolphin. I’m not that keen on going for a swim, to be honest. This year, Dolphin Day falls on Friday the 14th.
6. Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day
For some reason, Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day falls on a Sunday — April 16 — this year. Having your co-workers show up in their pajamas could be interesting…depending on the individual, of course. There are some co-workers who I’d just as soon not know that well.
7. Tea Day
Yes, I love sweet tea, otherwise known as the “house wine of the South.” But I also like hot tea, especially of the peppermint variety. If you’re a fan of tea, hot or cold, April 21 is a great day to spend a few minutes enjoying it.
8. English Language Day
April 23 is the day we celebrate the English language. Here on this blog, we celebrate it at least once a week with my regular Tuesday grammar posts. Mark your calendars and feel free to browse my grammar archive at any time.
9. Get Organized Day
After spending too many days doing no housework (see item #3 above), you definitely need a day to get things organized again. Wednesday, April 26 is that day.
10. Thank You Thursday
April 27 is a great day to say “thank you” to someone who you think is in a thankless job yet manages to make your life easier.
Thanks to for rounding up a month-full of unofficial April holidays. Explore more of them here.
I love this post very, very much: especially Pet day, although how could I be any more bonded to my cats – easily as spectacularly spoiled, pampered and loved as all animals should be; tea day, for all the hot tea I drink, Lady Grey decaf is one of many favourites, as is Prince of Wales; English Language Day, English Nazi that I am; and Dolphin day (who wouldn’t love that?)!
Very fun!