11 Words to Describe People by Age Groups
In honor of former President Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday, here's a list of words that we use to describe people in various age groups.
In honor of former President Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday, here's a list of words that we use to describe people in various age groups.
The grandson of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter recently provided an update on the health of the 99-year-old ex-chief executive.
When does a candidate simply become too old to be President of the United States? The two leading contenders face a lot of ageism.
The older we get the more we have to dodge a variety of terms meant to define us. But what's the best way to describe older people?
When comic legend Carl Reiner died recently at 98, one of the clips I saw replayed had him telling an old joke about reading obituaries.
You may have seen stories about leaders asking a group of older church members to worship elsewhere. The church says it didn't happen that way.
Once you reach a certain age, birthdays become the kind of thing you prefer not to discuss. For me, turning 50 is such an occasion.
The list of generations names just grew as 'Generation Z' was added to Dictionary.com. But that's not the only name for our youngest generation.
Normally, Fridays are faith-related posts, but on my 49th birthday, I'm going to break with tradition for this particular week.
As I contemplate another birthday in a few days — and one more step towards the big 5-0, I compiled this list of quotes about getting older.
Should your birth certificate show your true age or how old you claim you feel? That's the focus of a new court case.
They say laughter is the best medicine, but if you hope to have fewer wrinkles, you may need to plan on having a humorless life.
What kind of life expectancy could humans one day expect as medicine and technology continue to improve? Doctors think they know.
I ran across a church's ad for leadership training with an interesting age limit. According to the Bible, Abraham lived...
It's funny how easy day-to-day life can make it easy to forget the fact that we're getting older. It's not...
There was a time when the word elderly applied to people over 65, no one got offended, and life went...
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
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