Do Blog Comments Change What Bloggers Write?
During last week's Blogchat on Twitter, I learned something interesting about a prominent blogger's refusal to allow blog comments on his site.
During last week's Blogchat on Twitter, I learned something interesting about a prominent blogger's refusal to allow blog comments on his site.
Sooner or later, when bloggers come together to talk, someone will inevitably ask about whether there's ever an appropriate time to delete blog comments.
Blog Compass is a new app currently available in Beta only in India, but it's designed to help new bloggers...
I recently deleted a couple of blog comments that were unnecessarily rude and disrespectful. One was directed at me while another was directed at a reader.
There's a near-universal belief in dealing with comment trolls, those who show up on a blog to do little more than cause problems: 'Don't feed the trolls.'
It has been more than a year since we lost a great commenting system, but in that time, there have no real new alternatives to Livefyre.
This week's Blogchat Twitter chat featured an interesting question: Do you prefer to read longer blog posts or shorter posts with more discussion in comments?
Having your own blog gives you the chance to hear directly from your readers as long as you're willing to allow blog comments.
It's about time to discuss the blog comment problem we have and why some of the most common solutions may not fix it.
The website comment platform Disqus is being criticized over its rollout of comment ads and the options it's planning to give website owners.
Every time I'm asked whether I'd prefer comments or social shares for my blog, I'm tempted to answer one way, but then I answer the opposite.
I am trying a new blog comment platform called Epoch and I'd like to try it out. Will you help?...
I received a most disturbing email from what was purported to be Livefyre, the comment plugin proudly used by this site and many, many others around the globe.
If it's been a few weeks since you visited, you'll find on your next visit the outlet decided to disable comments on its website.
Over the years, I've seen a big debate on whether it's proper for a blogger to moderate comments, and it's not likely to end any time soon.
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about roadblocks on your site that might keep readers from leaving blog comments. It's time for a second take.
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
Patrick’s Place is a blog that focuses on multiple topics...from blogging to grammar to faith to life in general.
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