Have You Been ‘Doom Spending’ Lately?
There's a new term for an illogical coping mechanism when facing anxiety, particularly about finances: Are you guilty of 'doom spending'?
There's a new term for an illogical coping mechanism when facing anxiety, particularly about finances: Are you guilty of 'doom spending'?
Restaurant workers hate non-tipping customers and I understand the anger. But should restaurants be able to actually ban them for it?
The last two times I've dined at a restaurant, I've taken advantage of the option of paying by phone by scanning a QR code on the ticket.
Retailer Target has joined a list of stores that are no longer accepting personal checks as forms of payment. It's hard to be surprised.
A church south of the border is gaining notoriety on social media after its pastor announced a plan to sell plots of land in Heaven.
Fast food giant McDonald's confirmed it has called off its AI drive-thru experiment after some bungled orders hit social media.
I've belonged to a certain credit union for about 40 years. I discovered, much to my shock, that they'd slowly taken about $200 in fees.
A funny thing happened with one of my credit accounts this week and the department store can only offer absurd theories so far.
As new college graduates seek jobs, they may quickly face sticker shock with respect to a livable wage fight. But who's to blame here?
Every year, as we get close to the income tax deadline, I hear financial experts complaining about how terrible getting tax refunds can be.
President Joe Biden mentioned a term no other president has ever had to mention before in a State of the Union address: shrinkflation.
If you search the topic of credit scores online, you'll find plenty of complaints and allegations that the system is substantially flawed.
For taking part in an online survey, I received a gift card offer. But after considering a few options, I decided something didn't add up.
Several years back, I had to buy a new washing machine. The store is trying to make me extend the appliance warranty.
The owner of the women-focused website Jezebel announced it has stopped publishing content last week after failing to find a buyer.
Convenient credit card alerts can warn you when there's a problem with your account. But if they don't send an alert, that's a problem, too.
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
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