I Investigate Copyright Infringement Claims…and the Accusers!
When someone left me a comment accusing me of copyright infringement, something seemed off. So I did a little checking on the claim.
When someone left me a comment accusing me of copyright infringement, something seemed off. So I did a little checking on the claim.
A church in Texas presented its own 'Hamilton' Performance, but it turns out the official Hamilton says it didn't have permission to do so.
'The Andy Griffith Show' theme, 'The Fishing Hole,' is the subject of a lawsuit filed by the composers' families against CBS.
By now you've heard about the plagiarism controversy involving the wife of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention. But when is plagiarism really plagiarism?
When choosing between copyright or copywrite, you must keep in mind that one is a misspelling of the other.
#Bloggab is a weekly chat on Twitter about personal blogging. Topics vary from week to week, but everyone who blogs...
A San Francisco-area television station invoked the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to remove an embarrassing clip from the Internet. It's...
You may have noticed that I haven't had anything to say about the Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA) or the Protect IP Act (PIPA), two pieces of legislation accused of being the beginning of the end of the internet. Now I do.
Earlier this month, I started a survey about this blog because I wanted to get your take on what you...
It has come to my attention that a certain website is directly copying two of my weekly memes, the Saturday...
I spent a good deal of time today pondering how life might be different if we lived in a perfect...
Mall Santas are doing big business. But some parents feel like they're getting the business over the photos being snapped...
An appeals judge has ruled that businesses who purchase popular Hollywood movies, then re-edit them to remove content they consider...
Have a story idea that screams to be made into a novel that you just don't want to write? If...
A judge has ruled that Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code does not infringe on the copyright of another author's...
Last Friday, President Bush appointed the nation's first "Copyright Czar" to oversee America's efforts to combat intellectual property theft. The...
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
Patrick’s Place is a blog that focuses on multiple topics...from blogging to grammar to faith to life in general.
You'll find new content at least four days a week.
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