Blog Reader Unintentionally Makes Point About Women Pastors
Are women pastors against God's will? A post about that topic prompted an interesting and ironic response from one of my readers.
Are women pastors against God's will? A post about that topic prompted an interesting and ironic response from one of my readers.
Trust me: I am not trying to start a war on pride month here. But I've quietly watched friends on both sides, and it's time I said this.
A California school district recently decided it would eliminate the term 'chief' from its district job titles over concerns about the word. announced an interesting selection for its word of the year for 2021. Have you ever heard of the word allyship?
When NBC's Al Roker helped cover Hurricane Ida's landfall, Twitter users did what they do best: complain. But Roker wasn't having it.
Every June 19, Americans celebrate Juneteenth. But even after more than 150 years. some people still have no idea what the day is all about.
I see it every February during Black History Month and now every June during Pride Month. Someone asks, "When do we get a White Month?"
A Facebook post about someone holding a door for someone else — and the act's fierce aftermath — caught my eye the other day.
If you use racial filters on online dating apps, are you being racist? That's a debate underway right now in light of the Black Lives Matter movement.
The 'Black Lives Matter' movement got its start back in 2013 with the killing of Trayvon Martin. There are still too many people who still don't understand.
A small controversy is brewing over banning the Trump MAGA hat from WordCamps as a symbol of hate. Should we single out that hat?
You may have seen stories about leaders asking a group of older church members to worship elsewhere. The church says it didn't happen that way.
Can a student who poses with a rainbow cake really be expelled from school? One girl's family says their daughter's school kicked her out because of it.
The Hallmark Network temporarily pulled commercials featuring brides in a same-sex marriage, but then quickly apologized and reversed their course.
The term 'deadnaming' is being used to document forms of transphobia. But in journalism, it's often an accusation that's unwarranted.
A prominent male pastor asked to play a word-association game responded, 'Go home!' to the name of a well-known female preacher.
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
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