What’s the Right Way to Spell ‘Hanukkah’? It Depends.
The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah falls generally between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But calendars disagree on how to spell it.
The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah falls generally between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But calendars disagree on how to spell it.
Members in a Facebook group focused Hurricane Helene's aftermath asked people to ease back on the 'sending prayers' comments.
Are women pastors against God's will? A post about that topic prompted an interesting and ironic response from one of my readers.
A church south of the border is gaining notoriety on social media after its pastor announced a plan to sell plots of land in Heaven.
The Southern Baptist Convention narrowly rejected a constitutional amendment that would have barred female pastors in its churches.
Every October, we see Christians try to rebrand Halloween. But the Jewish holiday Purim has an interesting take on wearing costumes.
Pope Francis condemned the practice of surrogate parenting, in which a woman gives birth for another, and pushed for a worldwide ban.
Pope Francis says Catholic priests may offer blessings for same-sex couples while clarifying the church's position on same-sex marriage.
Some can’t resist the temptation to be cruel, even in the aftermath of the Rosalynn Carter funeral, a time when respect should be a given.
It might be hard to imagine requesting a refund on tithes, but one church's three-month tithe challenge offers exactly that.
If you are a pet owner and you genuinely love your pet, you probably already have an answer to the question of whether pets go to heaven.
A competition in 1962 set the stage for the fish sandwich to become a fast food favorite as Christians mark the season of Lent each year.
Each year, I try to craft a short list of what I consider the cream of this blog's annual crop. So here are my best posts of 2022.
As we edge closer to Dec. 25, I ask this simple question: Do we need a rule about whether you should use Christmas or Xmas for the holiday?
A church in Texas presented its own 'Hamilton' Performance, but it turns out the official Hamilton says it didn't have permission to do so.
Trust me: I am not trying to start a war on pride month here. But I've quietly watched friends on both sides, and it's time I said this.
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
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