More Airline Fees Don’t Make Air Travel Better
Airline fees are making travel a less and less-enjoyable experience these days. But one airline may have just started a trend that'll make things worse.
Airline fees are making travel a less and less-enjoyable experience these days. But one airline may have just started a trend that'll make things worse.
After a Texas high school removed a mural of the Ten Commandments, members of the community decided to erect a display across from the school.
Outrage over green Starbucks cups didn't take long for outrage and even claims of a 'war on Christmas' to appear....
Seriously, what's going on with this whole clown scare thing? Now even McDonald's famous spokesman is being mothballed by the whole thing!
Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt, media sources reported Tuesday, shocking fans of the power couple known as Brangelina.
For the past few days, I've been watching reaction to Colin Kaepernick's decision to remain seated during the National Anthem.
When a child faces bullying to the degree that he feels, at age 13, the only thing he can do is commit suicide, something's very wrong with us.
A Navy SEAL's widow left a fantastic response to questions about the actor who portrayed her husband being spotted at the DNC.
When a stock photography company sent a bill for use of 'unlicensed' photography, it could be said they picked the wrong person to threaten.
The level of political anger on social media seems to get worse every election year: more intense, more rabid, more hateful.
When I first heard about the guys who fell off a cliff while chasing after mythical creatures in Pokémon Go, I thought it must be a joke.
A 2-year-old died Wednesday in a hot car in what a Mississippi sheriff is calling a tragic accident.
Did you hear the story about the high school student who could face 70 criminal charges because of a photo dare he took while posing with the football team?
A family group concerned about the Target bathroom policy denies it has tested the 'barriers' of the retailer's policy by sending men in ladies' rooms.
A school in Georgia issued an apology recently after parents complained about elements of classroom yoga designed to reduce stress....
Plus-sized models — both male and female — have made headlines lately, but it may be time to consider how this can be a good and potentially dangerous thing.
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
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