Tetched or Touched? One Might Make You Seem a Bit Off!
When you're referring to someone who might be a bit unstable, would you describe them as tetched or touched? One might be unfamiliar.
When you're referring to someone who might be a bit unstable, would you describe them as tetched or touched? One might be unfamiliar.
I realize I tend to care more about grammar and usage than the average person. But even I had never heard of the 'periodt' until recently.
One thing I look forward to with artificial intelligence is the improvement of translation programs to help more people communicate.
Tank tops were once considered undershirts, but nowadays, they're often the only shirt. But why do we call them 'wife beaters'?
The common idioms native English speakers toss around don't usually confuse most people. But non-English speakers may be a different story.
A battle is brewing over grammar errors in textbooks. Some say it's more inclusive teaching, but others call it just plain wrong.
ABC's 'The Talk' host Whoopi Goldberg issued an apology last week for her use of the word 'gypped,' which some don't realize is a slur.
I looked up what this birthday might be in Latin. I'm reliably informed it would be 'quinquaginta tria.' Say that fast three times!
From time to time, when we talk about a cancer patient, we frame their story with a cancer fight metaphor. Some have a problem with that.
If you're watching TV when you suddenly notice you're hearing Spanish instead of English, here's the first thing you should check.
A Texas church came under fire after a video showed members yelling, 'Let's go, Brandon.' The controversy reveals Christians' profanity dilemma.
If you've never heard of chestfeeding, you might be surprised to know it's a real term some say should be used instead of breastfeeding.
You probably know what a facade actually is. But you'll sometimes see it written as façade. Here's why there's that funny-looking C.
There are plenty of words with silent letters. The word 'mortgage' is a perfect example: We don't pronounce that 'T' and there's a reason.
If you thought we settled the debate of how to pronounce those looping graphics files as a Gif or Jif, you'd be wrong. It just reignited.
A friend of mine was thrown by the logo of the upcoming Super Bowl because of the Roman numeral for 54 in the game's title.
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
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