You Need Commas…But Not Necessarily Oxford Commas
Fans of Oxford Commas won't like this post, I'm sure. But while commas are critically important, some are more important than others.
Fans of Oxford Commas won't like this post, I'm sure. But while commas are critically important, some are more important than others.
Whether you love it or hate it, if you think the Associated Press Stylebook decided to ban Oxford Commas, you should reread what it says!
If you ever want to rile up a room full of writers, copyeditors and grammar enthusiasts, just ask about whether they prefer the Oxford comma.
A missing Oxford Comma is playing a major role in a class-action lawsuit and could wind up costing a company in Maine $10 million.
The Oxford Comma, also known as the serial comma, is no longer being recommended by the University of Oxford's own...
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
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