So How are We Supposed to Pronounce Uranus?
We've known about the seventh planet in our solar system for centuries, but it seems the way we pronounce Uranus recently changed.
We've known about the seventh planet in our solar system for centuries, but it seems the way we pronounce Uranus recently changed.
It occurs to me that you can find plenty of ways to measure the passage of time. For Google, that involves examining 'The Year in Search.'
A growing number of people on social media inexplicably don't seem to know the difference between aye or hey.
Americans have a major pronunciation problem. More and more are saying certain words with a silent T when the T is not supposed to be silent.
Some might refer to it as a star, but nearly everyone recognizes an asterisk. So why do people so often pronounce it incorrectly?
If you have an American and a Brit pronounce the metal they make soda cans from, you'll hear the difference. Is it aluminum or aluminium?
Grammar enthusiasts fumed when a web dictionary added a few nonstandard words to its site. One of them that seemed to draw ire was 'finna.'
I saw an ad on Facebook advertising a piece of furniture for sale. It offered a reasonable price on what it called "chester draws."
There are plenty of words with silent letters. The word 'mortgage' is a perfect example: We don't pronounce that 'T' and there's a reason.
The National Hurricane Center expects a tropical wave in the Atlantic to become Tropical Storm Isaias on Wednesday. That's the ninth storm of the season.
Donder or Donner? If you've ever had doubts about your memory of the reindeer traditionally listed in seventh place, you're not alone.
From time to time, I write about pairs of words that happen to be homonyms. But there are different kinds, so here's a quick review.
You'd think that when the inventor of the image format specified how everyone should pronounce Gif, it would solve the debate. It didn't.
I hear more and more people mispronouncing the name Alzheimer's when talking about that horrible neurodegenerative disease.
Poinsettias are also known as the Christmas flower, so this is the time of year where you'll see plenty of the lovely red and cream-colored plants.
This week an audio clip prompted a massive debate over whether the speaker was pronouncing the word 'laurel or yanny.'
Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist.
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