Defense Department Kills Identity Months Just Before a Big One
The United States Department of Defense issued a directive the day before Black History Month began declaring identity months 'dead.'
The United States Department of Defense issued a directive the day before Black History Month began declaring identity months 'dead.'
If you search the topic of credit scores online, you'll find plenty of complaints and allegations that the system is substantially flawed.
Many of us looked forward to a 'Peanuts' special every big holiday. But one in particular riled a lot of people over its handling of race.
GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley's silence on slavery when asked about the cause of the Civil War should surprise absolutely no one.
The gesture known as a 'chef's kiss' can now be found in the dictionary. Here's the somewhat unsavory story behind it.
ABC's 'The Talk' host Whoopi Goldberg issued an apology last week for her use of the word 'gypped,' which some don't realize is a slur.
Those of us who grew up around the golden age of the Western remember the teepee as those conical-shaped Native American dwellings.
A recent discussion on the Holocaust and the Jewish race led to a co-host's suspension and a larger debate on race itself. announced an interesting selection for its word of the year for 2021. Have you ever heard of the word allyship?
A group of food bloggers say you should avoid the term curry when used to describe South Asian dishes because of its racist overtones.
Every June 19, Americans celebrate Juneteenth. But even after more than 150 years. some people still have no idea what the day is all about.
I see it every February during Black History Month and now every June during Pride Month. Someone asks, "When do we get a White Month?"
If you're a Nextdoor member, you may notice new anti-racism notifications if you go to publish something that could be taken the wrong way.
I stumbled on an interesting though worrisome conversation about whether it is still appropriate for you to say that you support the blue.
An Alabama sheriff's office posted a photo of its Christmas tree decorated with what it called 'thugshots' just in time for Christmas.
Recent murder cases — and the reaction to them — sparked a tasteless, tacky debate on social media. It's time people stop getting caught up in this crap.
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
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