Is Banning Smartphones in School Really a Good Idea?
Several states, including my home state, passed laws banning smartphones in schools. But a recent shooting is making some question that.
Several states, including my home state, passed laws banning smartphones in schools. But a recent shooting is making some question that.
I've lost count of how many people I now see walking around having conversations on speakerphones in public! What happened to etiquette?
Fast food giant McDonald's confirmed it has called off its AI drive-thru experiment after some bungled orders hit social media.
A couple of years ago, I saw that a major dictionary added the term 'dumbphone' to its pages. It seemed like a joke to me.
I suspect most of us write, edit and view our blog primarily on a desktop or laptop. That means we can forget our site's mobile layout.
A fast food giant suffered a major outage and retailers are being robbed blind. Blame their over-dependence on computers.
If you could deal with customer service chatbots or human beings, which one would you almost always choose?
For taking part in an online survey, I received a gift card offer. But after considering a few options, I decided something didn't add up.
One thing I look forward to with artificial intelligence is the improvement of translation programs to help more people communicate.
Even 147 years after the telephone was invented, rules of phone call etiquette are still evolving, especially for younger users.
Most people think they know the can answer correctly if they were asked, 'What does Wi-Fi stand for?' But you shouldn't be so sure.
If you listen to AM radio as part of your morning or afternoon commute, some new cars may carry a nasty little surprise for you.
If you swear profusely in text messages and emails, you might be happy to know about Apple's plans for an F-word autocorrect issue.
When you reach a certain age, you realize little things out of the blue can make you feel old. The latest example is banking deposit slips.
I encountered a curious problem with my trusty Apple MacBook Air earlier this week: It wouldn’t charge when plugged in.
The first time I saw talk of a foldable smartphone, I thought it sounded like a horrible idea. The idea may not be ready for prime time.
In real life, Patrick is a longtime television producer and digital journalist. Here, he's just a blogger.
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