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Yahoo’s New Logo Revealed to Mixed Reviews


Last Updated on July 16, 2016

Yahoo finally unveiled its new logo after teasing visitors for the last thirty days with a different logo each day. Reaction hasn’t been all that kind.

The company’s chief marketing officer introduced Yahoo’s new logo Wednesday with a blog post.

For the past month, Yahoo’s website carried a different version of its logo as a lead-in to the big reveal. Frankly, I think some of the other candidates might have been a better choice.

The old logo, a whimsical, comic style serif lettering, has been replaced with a rather plain sans serif beveled font. The blog post even contained a YouTube video that “illustrates the craft behind the logo”. See for yourself:

Among reactions on its blog post:

…Seriously? All that work for this?

It has bezels! Ah, good old 1997.

Never before have I hated a rebrand more than this.

And then there was this:

What the f*@#, Yahoo? Awful F*@#ing awful. I can’t believe I actually prefer the old one over this.

Despite the criticism, there were also some good reviews: one said the new version looks “much more professional”, but then asked when they’ll do away with the accompanying yodel. (Apparently, Yahoo is keeping the yodel.) All in all, at the time of this writing, the logo had received more than 200 “likes” on Tumblr.

Of the 29 other logos revealed, there were several I’d have chosen over the current design. I liked Day 1 better. I liked Day 2 better. And given that the yodel isn’t going anywhere, I like Day 4 better.

Day 5’s all-lower case option wasn’t particularly a standout, but at least it looked more friendly and warm than the new one.

Some of the options, like Days 20 and 21, were a bit too whimsical. For me, the jury’s still out on Day 6. Day 10 would have been the closest design to the old version, so at least they didn’t choose that one.

Still, I can’t help but think that this one isn’t the revolutionary new branding element it could have been.

Your Turn:

What do you think of the new logo? Thumbs up or Thumbs down?

the authorPatrick
Patrick is a Christian with more than 30 years experience in professional writing, producing and marketing. His professional background also includes social media, reporting for broadcast television and the web, directing, videography and photography. He enjoys getting to know people over coffee and spending time with his dog.
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1) I don’t care: I only use Yahoo! when I’m helping people at work login to their email when the site has been redesigned (again) and they can’t find the email link. Yes, I judge sites (and email addresses) by the people who use them; sue me. 2) I suspect some graphic design firm ran laughing to the bank. 3) I don’t care, as long as they make it clear that it’s pronounced “ya-HOOOO” rather than “YAW-hoo” since the latter definitely has a tinge of “completely uneducated and ignorant person;  moron, idiot” in my head. Day 5 would absolutely NOT… Read more »

tedcoine patricksplace have managed my email account since forever! do a great job with Spam When I had money had my stocks n yahoofinance

celyneroy14 patricksplace ROFL! Here’s my question: Yahoo’s still in business? What do they DO?!?!

celyneroy14 Not much, which is a BIG part of the problem.

tedcoine patricksplace what is there to review, seriously?¿