Last Updated on January 26, 2022
If you’ve ever wondered who the ‘Andy Griffith Show’ announcer was, wonder no more. You’ve actually seen him in an episode!
You first heard the ‘Andy Griffith Show’ announcer 60 years ago this year. Can you believe it has been that long?
His voice, along with the image of father and son walking to their favorite fishing hole, introduced each episode for the eight years of its run.
You can relive that famous opening here:
But his name never appeared in the credits of the program. So it was difficult to know exactly who it was.
Those of us who love the show — and I definitely include myself in that group — love learning new details. I still watch reruns of the show every weeknight on TVLand.
I used to stream those reruns quite often on Netflix until the episodes disappeared recently from the service.
In any case, yes, that means I’ve seen most episodes dozens of times over the years. I could probably recite the dialog from start to finish for a handful of my absolute favorite episodes.
A program’s announcer is an important part of the show. But you can easily overlook that role. The closing credits, as I said, never listed the announcer’s name. So you can understand my interest when I stumbled upon a website that identified him. On top of that, it explained that longtime fans of the show know exactly what he looks like! He appeared in one episode of the show! recently identified him as Colin Male. It points out that he appeared on camera in the episode “Andy and Helen Have Their Day.” That’s a favorite of mine, although it didn’t make my Top 10 list.
In that episode, he plays a game warden who issues a fine to Andy. You can see what he looks like — and read more about his story — at this link.
Mystery solved!