
The One Thing I Miss With This New Design


Last Updated on September 3, 2017

I’ve been very fickle with the design of this blog over the years.&nbsp  At least, once I left AOL where I could actually design anything.

I’m not a web designer, mind you, so when I talk about designing something, it’s really more along the lines of finding a theme (or template, or skin, or whatever you want to call it) that I like, then making some minor modifications to make it my own.

The last template I used — up until just last week — was by far my favorite one.&nbsp  This current one is my favorite at the moment, and after reading all of the positive reviews from those of you who have commented, I have no plans to change anything.

Still, there’s one little thing I miss.&nbsp  And it’s probably something so silly that you may not have even paid attention to it.

I’m talking about that little “date” icon at the top of each entry. I’ve included a sample to the left just so you know what I’m talking about. I don’t know why I miss it, and I realize it’s entirely possible that I was the only one who liked it.

It reminds me of a Mac look, like the calendar icon on my iPhone, so I guess that’s the main reason that its absence just jumps out at me when I come to my own blog.

If I figure out a way to add it, I might; otherwise, I’ll just quietly miss it until I get over it.&nbsp  It’s just a little icon, after all.

I’m just glad that most of you are happy with the new look. That helps a lot.

Icon?&nbsp  What icon?&nbsp  See?

the authorPatrick
Patrick is a Christian with more than 30 years experience in professional writing, producing and marketing. His professional background also includes social media, reporting for broadcast television and the web, directing, videography and photography. He enjoys getting to know people over coffee and spending time with his dog.


  • That’s very interesting, Cat…thanks for noticing that. It’s funny, because while I see in the URL that this one looks to be #9,892, on my WordPress dashboard, I’m showing that this one would be #6,287.

    I wonder where the difference comes from; I can’t believe that I’ve picked up more than 6,000 comments solely since I switched to WordPress, but I guess it’s possible.

  • I always used Arial at the original AWV. Right now I’m just using whatever the default font is on blogger. I have no idea what it is. All I know is it’s a san serif font, so it doesn’t look that far different. Not even sure how to specify a font if I wanted to.

  • Ooh, also, I just noticed that you have almost reached the 10,000 mark on comments. I think you should have a party when you cross over (this one is 9,891, I think).

  • Dull is ok (that’s my age speaking, I think), but there has to be a way to snag that little piece of code with the date from the other template and jam it into place here.

    Don’t ask me how, or how long it will take to figure it out. But it stands to reason that it’s possible. I miss having a date at the top too. And I’m still trying to figure out how to ‘rate’ posts, but I’ll perservere. 😉

  • Thanks, Jeff.

    I like your design as well. And while I really don’t mind the “Tahoma” typeface — it’s even the typeface most commonly used at my church for all of the on-screen graphics there — it just didn’t do it for me here for some reason.

    I know there are plenty of Arial/Helvetica haters out there…but it’s easy to read, even if it a little on the “dull” side. 🙂

    And thanks for the kind words. I feel the same way about your blog, too.

  • I can’t remember if I gave you any feedback on the new layout, but I really like it. I don’t know if you remember this but you changed your font to Tahoma a while back and we talked about it. I see you’ve switched to Arial. I have too, and I really like it.

    I’m a lot like you in the sense of almost obsessing over the template/design/whatever, and I’m not sure why. I just found one that I’ve been using for a couple of days and this is the first time (out of probably ten times) that I’ve changed it and not started hating it hours later. I’m actually really happy with it. It’s nothing special, but, hey, I like the way it looks.

    I think your content is well-written and interesting, and that’s what really matters.

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