
15 Offbeat October Holidays


Last Updated on May 7, 2017

I’m trying something a little different this week: instead of the Trivial Ten, which I presented as a list of ten lists, I decided to change it up to present a weekly list I find of interest and talk more about why I think it’s so interesting. I might even add a few points to the original list, which I’ll link to so you’re sure not to miss it as it originally existed before I found it. And as with any other post here at Patrick’s Place, your input is always welcome.

So the inaugural List of the Week comes from the greatest magazine in the world, Mental_Floss, and is 15 Offbeat Holidays You Can Celebrate in October.

What’s even more entertaining than some of the selections they came up with is the fact that these are actually valid celebrations.

Most people associate October with Breast Cancer Awareness Month. That’s an important cause. Our tenth month of the year is also Down’s Syndrome Awareness Month and National Domestic Violence Month. Unfortunately, we tend to have so many terrible things in our lives to commemorate that we end up doubling and tripling up on them since we only have 12 months in the year. I’m sure it isn’t Mental_Floss’s intention to belittle any of these important topics, and it certainly isn’t my intention, either.

But I figure anyone who has a reason to mark any of those occasions is already well aware of the significance of October in marking them, and is hopefully already doing so without a reminder from me.

So let’s take a light-hearted and good-spirited look at other things that a handful of people hope you’ll also be celebrating. My top picks from the list:

1. National Homemade Cookies Day

Technically, you missed this one already: it happened on October 1st. However, if you didn’t know about it on Monday, no one will know if you celebrate it a few days later. Any day that involves cookies is a good holiday in my book.

2. National Taco Day

Well, so far, I’m two for two on food-related holidays. Who’d have thought. This holiday actually occurs today, October 4th. I will admit, however, that if I were to go to my favorite local Mexican restaurant to celebrate, I’d probably skip the tacos and go instead for my favorite dish there: arroz con pollo.

3. International Moment of Frustration Scream Day

Oh, yeah, we’ve all had those kind of days. I’ve had far more of them lately than I’d care to admit. But when you’ve finally reached the point at which you want to shout, “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore,”&nbsp hope that the point comes on October 12th: then you’ll have an excuse that it’s the right day for it.

4. National Dictionary Day

October 16th is a day designed to honor a book far too few seem willing to read these days, unless they’re trying to justify the wrong use of a word just because the definition is in there. A dictionary, I often remind everyone, is not a usage manual: it merely defines how words are used so others will understand, even if the people they’re encountering are misusing certain words. Irregardless isn’t a word, but it’s in the dictionary because it’s necessary to point out that what the speaker meant to say was regardless.

5. Information Overload Day

Contrary to what the name may imply, the point of October 20th is to avoid information overload. One way suggested is to send 10% fewer emails on that particular day (and beyond, if you can pull it off). Of course, just because you don’t send an email doesn’t mean you can’t cause someone to suffer info overload. So if you call them or visit in person to avoid the email, just don’t talk too much!

That’s my list of favorites from their list of 15. What are yours?

the authorPatrick
Patrick is a Christian with more than 30 years experience in professional writing, producing and marketing. His professional background also includes social media, reporting for broadcast television and the web, directing, videography and photography. He enjoys getting to know people over coffee and spending time with his dog.

1 Comment

  • How ironic. I looked up October holidays for my large dry-erase monthly calendar, and the list was unreal – several days had multiple holidays. But I picked these as my favourites:
    3 Oct: Techies Day (for Luis)
    4 Oct: National Golf Day
    7 October: Oktoberfest
        World Smile Day
    9 October: Fire Prevention Day
    12 October: Old Farmers Day (I love the Old Farmer’s Almanac)
    16 October: National Dictionary Day (I feel exactly as you do!)
    19 October: Evaluate your Life Day
    24 October: United Nations Day
    27 October: National Tell a Story Day (for oral tradition, a declining tradition)
    31 October: Samhain
    The month of October has a bunch of different ideals but it is a toss-up between National Pizza Month and Eat Country Ham Month! I’m just a slave to those two foods!
    Each week has a handful of meanings as well… let’s see:
    Week 1: Get Organized Week
    Week 1: Customer Service Week
    Week 2: Fire Prevention Week
    Week 2: Pet Peeve Week
    Week 3: Pastoral Care Week

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