
The Case of the Disappearing Plug

©Panithan Fakseemuang/123RF

Last Updated on February 19, 2022

I don’t know if this has ever happened to you, but I’m beginning to wonder if senility is hitting a bit early.

It’s the only way I can explain it.

I misplaced the charging plug for my laptop the other day. I searched the bag I carry it in and its various pockets several times. I keep the charging plug in the front main pocket. That’s where it always is.

Except that this time, it wasn’t.

I looked all around the house, at the places where I would have possibly charged the computer at home and there was no sign of it. I stopped by my church and checked the tech booth to make sure I hadn’t left it there.

I looked around in my office and edit bay.

Still no sign of it.

And I’m one of those people who will check the same place that I just know it should be numerous times.

So, yes, I checked that bag. At least a dozen times. And there was no sign of the plug.

There’s not a lot in my bag, at least not in that pouch where the plug belongs. The bag is black and the plug, as you can see from the image, is white.

So if I look in a pouch and the plug is actually in there, there’s no reason why I could possibly miss it.

Still unable to find the plug after a couple of days, I decided to just suck it up and go to Best Buy and purchase a replacement. I got back home, opened it up and placed it in the pouch. There was now, finally, a plug in that pouch again.

Fast forward two days. I’m at my parents’ house for Thanksgiving Day and I reach into the pouch to grab my new charger to give my laptop a much-needed boost. What do I find but the new plug I just purchased sitting right next to the old plug.

I asked them if they had found a plug and dropped it into my bag. Mom told me she wouldn’t even have known what that was if she’d spotted it, and certainly wouldn’t have known what to do with it.

So without any explanation, it was there. Back again or always there.

But if had been always there, how could I honestly have looked in that pouch so many times and not seen or felt it?

And if it hadn’t been there, where had it been and how did it get back there?

Have you ever turned things upside down looking for something only to discover later that it was right there where you thought it should have been — and thought it wasn’t — the whole time?

Please tell me this has happened to someone else!

the authorPatrick
Patrick is a Christian with more than 30 years experience in professional writing, producing and marketing. His professional background also includes social media, reporting for broadcast television and the web, directing, videography and photography. He enjoys getting to know people over coffee and spending time with his dog.


  • Not for nothing, but that is my whole life: no matter how well I have the house organised (and I do, being as, uh, an– well, OCD as I am, ha ha), I constantly lose my glasses – the one thing I really, REALLY need to have! Driving, watching the telly, seeing anything distant (and not all that distant, at that) is not possible without the eye wear! But I seem to put them down and ten minutes later I’m tearing the house apart looking for them. I guess the real issue is that I still don’t need reading glasses, so for many things, I take them off.

    But I still lose them all the time! AAARRRGGGHHH!

  • I’ve not had this particular incident occur but something sort of similar.

    I always take off my engagement ring before I go to bed at night and set it on my nightstand. I did this one night and the next morning I couldn’t find it. I searched the floor around the nightstand and in the bed but no ring! I looked in other places where I take it off – the bathroom counter, the kitchen windowsill – but I couldn’t find it! I looked everywhere. I finally had to admit to K that I’d lost my ring. (I felt horrible!)

    We eventually went and purchased another ring. About a month later, I was tidying up my night stand and took off a small pile of magazines I had setting on it. Out popped my ring! Here it had ended up shoved inside one of the magazines.

    Now, I know I’d taken the magazines off the nightstand dozens of times to clean it and I should have found the ring one of those times but I hadn’t! It had stayed where it was until months later! I’ve no idea how I didn’t find it previously!

    • @Cathryn (aka Strange)

      Oh, that has happened to me with other rings – including my original Claddagh ring that I got in Ireland in 1985. I took it off to shower and when I got out, I couldn’t find it. And it has been two years and still no ring. I ended up going online and finding an Irish company in Killarney who still makes them in silver and ordered one that fits just as the old one did… but it is still not the same as the one I had.

      (I suspect one of the cats played with it and knocked it somewhere, but I still haven’t located it…)

      How frustrating!

      I’m glad you found the original one. It’s something that you can’t help but be attached to it.

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