Saturday 6

Saturday Six #422

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It’s time for another random set of questions, and this week, random is the operative word. There’s no theme for this week’s set, so anything is game.

Thanks for dropping by!

Be sure to check back this week and click on the links of bloggers who play along in the comments below! It’s a great way to find blogs you may not have visited and keep the conversation going!

Here are this week’s “Saturday Six” questions. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your blog… But don’t forget to leave a link to your blog so that everyone else can visit! Permission is not granted to copy the questions to message boards for the purpose of having members answer and play along there. Enjoy!

1. Which piece of furniture in your home is in biggest need of replacement and why?

2. You’re home on a rainy day and there’s nothing on television worth watching. What are you most likely to do with your afternoon?

3. What person is in your earliest memory?

4. What was the model of the first car you ever drove?

5. List the items on your coffee table right now.

6. How long, on average, do dishes sit in your sink waiting to be washed?

If you have a Reader’s Choice question you’d like to see asked (and answered), send me an email! I’d love to include it in a future edition of the Saturday Six.

the authorPatrick
Patrick is a Christian with more than 30 years experience in professional writing, producing and marketing. His professional background also includes social media, reporting for broadcast television and the web, directing, videography and photography. He enjoys getting to know people over coffee and spending time with his dog.


  • 1. Which piece of furniture in your home is in biggest need of replacement and why?
    My bed. It’s a wooden slat bed, and it, well, gave in. The slats broke, so now it’s leaning against the wall and I sleep on the couch. Not in a big hurry to replace it, though, because I sleep better on that couch than I ever did on that bed.
    2. You’re home on a rainy day and there’s nothing on television worth watching. What are you most likely to do with your afternoon?
    Play games on the PlayStation, or read a book.
    3. What person is in your earliest memory?
    I don’t know. My brother I suppose.
    4. What was the model of the first car you ever drove?
    My very first car was a Fiat 127, a very small car with a 0.9-litre engine. It was from the late ’70s. I had to turn off the headlights when using the blinker, luckily back then driving without headlights on during daytime was allowed. I had to fix up the car myself, so I learned a lot about it. I wanted my uncle, who owns a car repair shop, to paint it, and I had to sand the frame to get it ready. I did a half-assed job of it, so the paint came off in flakes here and there when I would later wash it. It was of a cool colour, though, kind of dark purple with a metallic shine.
    5. List the items on your coffee table right now.
    A SodaStream, some computer cables, and an electric hair trimmer.
    6. How long, on average, do dishes sit in your sink waiting to be washed?
    A few days. I try to be better about it, and often am for a little while.

  • 1. Which piece of furniture in your home is in biggest need of replacement and why?
    My recliner, it has developed a distinct tilt to the right.
    2. You’re home on a rainy day and there’s nothing on television worth watching. What are you most likely to do with your afternoon?
    Read or watch a movie online
    3. What person is in your earliest memory?
    Outside of my family, a friend from the 2nd grade.
    4. What was the model of the first car you ever drove?
    I pass… This question is too close to security questions for online banking sites
    5. List the items on your coffee table right now.
    A lavender scented candle
    Italian Immigrant Cooking by E. Rigante
    Secrets of Better Cooking from Reader’s Digest
    The Gender Frontier by Marietter Pathy Allen
    Transformations by Marietter Pathy Allen
    My mp3 player
    6. How long, on average, do dishes sit in your sink waiting to be washed?
    Usually less than a day.

  • 1. This one made me laugh as there are several pieces I’d like to replace!  Luckily there is one that stands out:  Our living room sofa!  This sofa has to be 20 years old!  The fabric is worn and the springs are shot!  We’re waiting until we remodel the room to replace it but I’m embarrassed to have company sit on the darn thing it’s that awful!
    2. I might read or play an online game.
    3. I really don’t know… I guess my mother.
    4. It was a Ford Fairmont and it was ugly.  (but I didn’t complain as it got me where I was going!)
    5. Several issues of Time magazine, several books, coasters, dust… (but that will be gone shortly)
    6. Less than 24 hours.  Dishes are generally washed once a day during the week as we only have cereal for breakfast most days so I don’t bother to wash a couple bowls, a couple spoons and a couple mugs from coffee.  Those dishes get washed with the dinner dishes.  Weekends, the dishes are done two times a day on average.

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