Fun & Laughs

Should Have Asked First

Last Updated on January 21, 2017

You have to love the irony of this one!

A little girl shown fast asleep while a hypothetical world crisis is happening in Hillary Clinton’s fear-mongering campaign ad says she was shocked to see stock footage of herself appearing in a Clinton campaign ad.&nbsp  The girl, now 17, was photographed eight years ago as part of a video library that the Clinton campaign ended up using for the ad.

Using such stock footage isn’t really that unusual.&nbsp  It’s almost always cheaper than arranging a new shoot just to get the required shots.

The only trouble is that the little girl, Casey Knowles, who turns 18 and becomes eligible to vote next month is a fierce supporter of Barack Obama, according to Seattle’s KING-TV.&nbsp  “I was actually a precinct captain at the caucuses a few months ago. I attended his rally a few months ago and I’m a very, very avid supporter,” Knowles said.

As part of the agreement to be photographed for stock footage, the actors and actresses generally don’t get to stipulate how their footage is used.&nbsp  But I bet the Clinton campaign now thinks it would have been better to have arranged their own shoot after all.

the authorPatrick
Patrick is a Christian with more than 30 years experience in professional writing, producing and marketing. His professional background also includes social media, reporting for broadcast television and the web, directing, videography and photography. He enjoys getting to know people over coffee and spending time with his dog.


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  • Whooops! The charm of stock photography is not having to ask but this would be their worst nightmare.

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