Saturday 6

Saturday Six – Episode 180

The logo for the 'Saturday 6' featureStockfresh/Custom

Last Updated on October 30, 2012


Now that fall has begun, stores are putting up Christmas decorations. This means, of course, that Halloween decorations have been up for weeks now. This week, good old All Hallows’ Eve is our topic.

But first, there are two important orders of business.

The first involves a few reader requests. This week, I am not going to force a “jump” into this week’s edition, meaning that the full post will appear on the front page. I received a couple of comments last week that adding the break that forces readers to go to the full page adds an extra step. I’m not sure that’s true, because regardless of whether the full questions are posted on the front page or not, you still must go to the individual post’s page to leave your comment. But I may well be missing something because I’m this site’s administrator and I see things you don’t…so please let me know if it works any differently this week.

The second order of business is to announce that Cassie of “Memaholic” was first to play last week. Congratulations, Cassie!

Here are this week’s “Saturday Six” questions. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal…but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit! To be counted as “first to play,” you must be the first player to either answer the questions in a comment or to provide a complete link to the specific entry in your journal in which you answer the questions. A link to your journal in general cannot count. Enjoy!

1. When do you buy candy for local trick-or-treaters?

2. When you buy Halloween candy (or if you were to buy it), would you be more likely to buy lower-priced candy that you didn’t particularly care for or candy you like that happened to cost a little more?

3. If you were in a mood for a scary movie to watch on Halloween night, which would you select?

4. Take the quiz: What should you be for Halloween?

5. Should trick-or-treating be regulated so that it is held on non-school nights and during hours that might help children avoid dangerous travel hours?

6. How do you feel about some churches scheduling “fall festivals” to replace Halloween because of the holiday’s dark origin?

If you have a Reader’s Choice question you’d like to see asked (and answered), send me an email! I’d love to be able to include it in a future edition of the Saturday Six.

the authorPatrick
Patrick is a Christian with more than 30 years experience in professional writing, producing and marketing. His professional background also includes social media, reporting for broadcast television and the web, directing, videography and photography. He enjoys getting to know people over coffee and spending time with his dog.


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  • 1. When do you buy candy for local trick-or-treaters?

    Whenever I buy groceries in October.

    2. When you buy Halloween candy (or if you were to buy it), would you be more likely to buy lower-priced candy that you didn’t particularly care for or candy you like that happened to cost a little more?

    I want to buy something I like.

    3. If you were in a mood for a scary movie to watch on Halloween night, which would you select?

    I don’t really like many scary movies. I’d go for something interesting like 6th Sense or Signs or A.I. over a ‘scary movie’.

    4. Take the quiz: What should you be for Halloween?
    A Bumble Bee

    5. Should trick-or-treating be regulated so that it is held on non-school nights and during hours that might help children avoid dangerous travel hours?

    No, it falls on a certain day.

    6. How do you feel about some churches scheduling “fall festivals” to replace Halloween because of the holiday’s dark origin?

    That’s fine with me.

  • I’m up.

    As for whether you cut or don’t cut your post…{shrug} I think I can abstain on this one. What is quite weird is that either way you do your post, Bloglines only shows the first couple of sentences of your posts. I frequently copy the memes I do from the feed, but I can’t in your case. That means I have to come here for the actual questions. I have to click over here to comment either way, so it all works out. You get me staying on your site longer this way, thus improving your site statistics. 😉

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